From: Alerts-Lib <>
Date: 2010/10/4
Subject: Indigenous Alert: 5 October 2010
Date: 5 October 2010
Provided by FaHCSIA Library Services
ATTENTION: Dept. of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (FaHCSIA) strives to treat Indigenous cultures and beliefs with respect. To some communities, it is distressing and offensive to depict or name persons who have died. Indigenous peoples who may be offended are warned that articles accessed from the links below may contain such material.
Media Releases and Publications
Bronco heads west for a good cause
Lucas, Paul. Queensland State Deputy Premier and Minister for Health. 4 October 2010
Brisbane Broncos winger and Deadly Ears ambassador Jharal Yow Yeh will visit remote indigenous communities to promote children's ear health this week.
Larrakia nation under special administration
Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations. 5 October 2010
The Deputy Registrar of Indigenous Corporations, Joe Mastrolembo, today placed the Larrakia Nation Aboriginal Corporation under special administration.
National News and Current Affairs
A columnist's right to express offensive opinions
The Age
''The choice to be Aboriginal can seem almost arbitrary and intensely political, given how many of their ancestors are in fact Caucasian,'' wrote Bolt, ...
A sorry tale of sorcery and payback
The Australian
One expert on Yuendumu, who did not want to be named, says every Aborigine he knows believes in sorcery, even if they are urbanised or practising Christians ...
Abbott, media biased on wild rivers
The Australian
"There are many, many indigenous people in the cape who support the wild rivers legislation." The Gillard government last week referred the 2005 state ...
Aboriginal refugees moved
WA today
A group of Aboriginal families exiled from their homeland in the Northern Territory are moving to new accommodation at Fort Largs Police Barracks until it ...
Aborigine Tasered in custody
The Australian
In June last year, Queenslander Antonio Galeano, 39, died after he was Tasered by police 28 times, while last year Ronald Mitchell, an Aboriginal petrol ...
Aborigines trump dumping of Queen
WA today
"Seventy-five per cent of respondents indicated it was important to have a referendum about indigenous recognition, and 73 per cent about what levels of ...
Another federal inquiry into Wild Rivers legislation
ABC Online
Queensland Indigenous leader, Noel Pearson, says a Federal Parliamentary inquiry into the Wild Rivers legislation looks like a delaying tactic. ...
Big boost in union support to Indigenous Australia
Green Left Weekly
We have supported Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders long before it was fashionable to do so and we'll be there at the end, when some of the rich and ...
Call for royal commission into suicides
YOUTH workers have called for a royal commission after a spate of suicides among Aboriginal youths in the NT over the past month. ...
Conference puts spotlight on Indigenous jailings
ABC Online
Half of all inmates in juvenile detention and one-third of those receiving ongoing monitoring are Aboriginal boys. "We need to turn those lives around so ...
Decision is in: Wild Rivers laws stink
The Australian (blog)
The bill won't repeal the state law, but it will restore the rights of indigenous Queenslanders. What is wrong with the principle of consent by Aboriginal ...
Distance really does make the heart grow fonder
In 2008, 42 per cent of Aborigines above the age of 15 in remote areas spoke an Aboriginal or Torres Strait language at home, compared to just two per cent ...
Fencing wire saves kidneys.... Launch of the Western Desert Kidney Health Project
Campus Daily
A mix of ancient sand-drawing techniques using fencing wire and modern projection technology will be used to educate Aboriginal people about preventing
Forum to spotlight tribal law issues
ABC Message Stick
Traditional law issues that have sprung out of the riots at Yuendumu will be on the agenda of the Law Council of Australia's Indigenous Issues Committee ...
Government commissions Wild Rivers legislation inquiry
ABC Online
Transcript: The Indigenous Affairs Minister Jenny Macklin says Mr Abbott's bill will be considered as part of the inquiry. JENNY MACKLIN: There is an acknowledgement ...
Grog-proof fence proves a peace-keeper
The Australian
It's also a decision being made by indigenous families in the Northern Territory and Queensland, with immediate benefits for children who need their sleep ...
Into the too-hard basket
The Australian (blog)
Including indigenous Australians in the Constitution would be symbolic but no less important for that. Evidence for this came this week when the first ...
Joining the dots
The Australian
Art + Soul is written and presented by the charming and erudite Hetti Perkins, senior curator of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander art at the Art ...
McGorry calls for suicide discussion in NT
ABC Online
His visit comes after more than 100 people held a rally in Darwin on Friday over concerns that at least seven young Aboriginal people had committed suicide ...
Minister rejects Indigenous debate
ABC Message Stick
The state Coalition has challenged the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs Paul Lynch to debate the success of his government's indigenous policies. ...
Noel Pearson not our leader, say wild river men
Mr Pearson has waged a campaign against the legislation, arguing it removes from Aboriginal communities the ability to build an economic base and break the ...
Noel Pearson says inquiry into Queensland's wild rivers act is designed to ...
The Australian
The Cape York indigenous leader expressed frustration at Labor's House of Representatives committee inquiry into the state legislation, which aims to ...
Parents need punishing too
The initiative is clearly aimed at Aboriginal children. Statistics show that a minority of indigenous students attend school full-time; it's often a case of ...
Payback debated as families stay in exile
ABC Online
John Wood was born in far north Queensland and his ancestry is from Badu Island in the Torres Strait. "If there are traditions that have been handed down to ...
Pearson opts out of wild rivers inquiry
The Australian
CAPE York indigenous leader Noel Pearson says he is unlikely to participate in the Gillard government's wild rivers inquiry. He has accused Labor of an ...
Pearson slams Wild Rivers inquiry
ABC Online
Indigenous Affairs Minister Jenny Macklin says Mr Abbott's bill will be considered as part of the House of Representatives inquiry. ...
Premier slams tasering of unarmed man
ABC Online
The CCC found that while Taser usage on the whole was reasonable, there were concerns about the disproportionate use of Tasers against Indigenous people. ...
Stolen Generations renew call for compensation
ABC Message Stick
Members of the Stolen Generations have gathered in Darwin to talk about their lives and call for compensation from the Federal Government. ...
Urban women 'overlooked' in anti-violence strategy
ABC Online
Antoinette Braybrook is the chief executive officer of the Aboriginal Family Violence Prevention and Legal Service. In her address to the National ...
Wild Rivers
ABC Online
Audio transcript: This week on The Law Report travel to Cape York and meet local indigenous people who claim the Wild Rivers laws strip them of their control of the land. ...
Wyatt watching Kimberley gas hub negotiations
ABC Online
The first Aboriginal to be elected to the House of Representatives says he is keeping a close eye on issues surrounding the Kimberley gas hub. ...
Yuendumu refugees on the move again
ABC Message Stick
Those who fled violence in the Yuendumu community in the Northern Territory are being moved to different accommodation in Adelaide. ...
Regional and Community News
A knockout blow to racial stereotypes
Sydney Morning Herald
The Aboriginal tricolour and Torres Strait Islander flag are flying over Woy Woy today. As the tribes stream into town, walls have been pasted with signs ...
Aboriginal art demands dignity
Green Left Weekly
Nicole Watson, from the Jumbunna Indigenous House of Learning at UTS, and Bronwyn Bancroft, an Aboriginal artist and designer from the Boomalli Aboriginal ...
Aboriginal dance tells Tracy story
Painted Aboriginal dancers decorated with leaves and earth colours move rhythmically to the beat of sticks and the song of elders. ...
Aboriginal sports fest draws big audience
Ballarat Courier
Carnival co-ordinator Tony Lovett said the city had set the standard the last time it hosted the indigenous sporting event in 1998 and had lifted it to ...
Aborigines upbeat over bypass talks
ABC Online
The Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre sent six delegates to Canberra yesterday for talks with the Minister, Tony Burke. The centre is fighting state plans to ...
AFL Cape York receives funding from St Kilda and Collingwood Grand Final
ABC Online
AFL Cape York receives funding from St Kilda and Collingwood Grand Final State Indigenous Programs manager Rick Hanlon didn't receive a novelty ...
Bloodlines: The Torres Family
ABC Message Stick
TRANSCRIPT: They were among the few Aboriginal people in the 1960s to run a huge Kimberly cattle station. This is their story. MIRIAM COROWA: Hello. I'm Miriam Corowa. ...
Boots get worthy foot pass
Herald Sun
Unfortunately, for many young indigenous footballers, this dream is unattainable. The Kew Rovers Football Club is hoping to change that by organising a ...
Circle Sentencing in Moree
ABC Online
The victim and then the Elders from the local Aboriginal community also participate in the process and take the offender through the offence, and confront ...
Design concept helps local Indigenous youth
Campus Daily
The design of an interior space to help reconnect Indigenous teenage girls to their culture has won Curtin University student Sheridan Emby a commendation
Erub child's remains return after 161 years
The remains of the one-year-old being returned to the Torres Strait delegation. The remains of a young child, which were removed from Erub 161 years
Gallery opens new chapter
The Canberra Times
But for the collection's senior curator, Francesca Cubillo, it was the 40 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islands artists who had flown to Canberra for the ...
Government steps in to Larrakia row
The organisation is controlled by the Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations in Canberra. Ms Eldridge did not return calls yesterday and the ...
Healing art in Dandenong exhibition
Dandenong Leader
A surge in indigenous youth showing signs of self-harm and suicidal thoughts prompted the exhibition on - but not limited to - early psychosis. ...
Literacy levels leap forward at Frog Hollow
ABC Rural
Frog Hollow is a small Aboriginal community nestled in the bush between Halls Creek and Warmun in far north Western Australia. The community has a
Lost indigenous information found
Tweed Daily News
An unpublished manuscript was presented to the Richmond River Historical Society which documented "lost" knowledge of indigenous communities between Coraki ...
Mums crying out for support
Mr Chisholm said indigenous people needed to start talking about suicide to stop young people taking their lives. "It is healthy to talk about it. ...
Sydney Morning Herald
Act II follows Namatjira's rise to fame in the art world (and beyond), his becoming the first Aboriginal citizen of Australia (a scandalous example of ...
Native title railway agreement to protect rock artwork
Pilbara Echo
Yamatji Marlpa Aboriginal Corporation's Acting CEO, Peter (Nyaparu) Jeffries, said of the agreement, "Woodstock Abydos reserve has immense national and ...
Neighbours dob in home brew crew
An undercover Aboriginal Community Police Officer then posed as a buyer and bought a bottle of the 'home brew' on Thursday night - closing down a profitable ...
NT police re-examine child death
ABC Online
Sara Everingham reports from Darwin and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander listeners are warned this report includes the name of the deceased boy. ...
Oprah urged to visit Palm Is
ABC Local
The Palm Island Mayor says he wants Oprah Winfrey to visit the north Queensland Indigenous community when she travels to Australia. ...
Origin star backs Kawana program
Sunshine Coast Daily
Up to 30 USC education students will be involved in the new Achieving Results Through Indigenous Education program at the school. ARTIE was piloted earlier ...
Peter Burgoyne joins Jobs Statewide employment team
Former Port Adelaide footballer Peter Burgoyne has joined Jobs Statewide , turning his talent towards helping indigenous South Australians into education,
Plan for more jobs for indigenous workers
WA today
Veronica Graf, Shellharbour City Council's Aboriginal community liaison officer, has been named Local Government Aboriginal Employee of the Year. ...
Price offers kids valuable advice
Sunshine Coast Daily
ARTIE, which is named after Queensland rugby league legend Arthur Beetson, is an acronym for Achieving Results Through Indigenous Education. ...
QUT grad named Indigenous Legal Professional of the Year
Campus Daily
QUT alumnus Tony McAvoy has been named the inaugural Indigenous Legal Professional of the Year at a ceremony in Canberra this month. Mr McAvoy is a
Sydney first as sacred dance performed
ABC Local
(ABC News: Brendan King) Indigenous dancers from the eastern Kimberley have performed a renowned sacred dance for the first time on Australia's east coast. ...
Conferences, Events and Opportunities
Indigenous Knowledge in an Online World - 17-18 Nov 2010, Adelaide
Community Net
This conference also aims to debate the issues surrounding Indigenous communities' rights in relation to computers, databases and the internet .
Indigenous Media
Disclaimer: In selecting items for inclusion in this alert, the aim has been to reflect a breadth of views. The article selections do not reflect the views of the Department nor imply endorsement by the Department.
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