Thanks to you, the Stop The Meter campaign has:![]( - Nearly 40,000 petition signatures (an unprecedented number)
- Political support from City of Vancouver, which passed a motion against usage-based billing, and more recently, from the NDP, who publicly announced they are against Internet metering last week.
This has all been possible because of the tens of thousands of you who signed and shared the Stop The Meter petition. Our numbers are our strength. But there's a new urgency to our campaign: The CRTC is set to make a critical decision about Internet metering in a matter of days! Telecom companies like Shaw, Rogers, and Bell have already started imposing punitive overage fees, and you can can bet that their armies of lobbyists are out in full force in Ottawa. As the CRTC goes through its final deliberations, let's make the Internet scream. If we all ask our family and friends to join us, the noise we create will turn the heads of politicians and policy makers. We've come this far, lets make the Internet scream -- before it's too late. Please share the petition now through: Facebook Twitter Email Now's the time. - The Team |