Saturday 27 November 2010

George Lessard webcasting George Galloway's Yellowknife, NWT, Canada event....

George Lessard webcasting George Galloway's Yellowknife, NWT, Canada event....
is now archived on line... embed codes available at

George Galloway speaking from Yellowknife NWT, Canada

On Nov. 24 former British MP George Galloway visited the Northwest Territories, part of a 10-day, 10-city pan-Canadian speaking tour.

Local sponsors of the visit include Alternatives North, Public Service Alliance of Canada, Northwest Territories Federation of Labour, and Union of Northern Workers.

Mr. Galloway is an internationally-recognized advocate for human rights and fair treatment for Palestinians. He has been an outspoken critic of western involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan, and led three humanitarian convoys to Gaza.

Webcast produced by George Lessard for

Photo ©2010 Ben Morgan