> Hi, [my apologies for any cross posting]
> I am organizing a YK Peace Week January 30 to February 8, 2011 and I would like to invite you to the Peace Café (4910 – 50th Street, 1st floor unless otherwise noted) to join in any of our events that may interest you.
> Sunday January 30
> 2 pm to 4 pm: Video – Peace Begins With Me, followed by discussion (hosted by Robert Stewart on the 2nd floor) (ref. http://www.peace.ca/peacebeginswithme.htm )
> 6 pm to 8:30 pm: Peace Networking Meet and Greet - hosted wine and cheese evening (and soft drinks). Inviting everyone interested or working in areas contributing to building peace in our Selves, families, communities and world from the Yellowknife area to network and meet our team (very informal). Tables will be provided to display your materials and products. (hosted by Canadian Centres for Teaching Peace) (an RSVP to Robert at stewartr@peace.ca would be appreciated for planning purposes; please forgive us for the short notice)
> Monday January 31
> noon to 1:30 pm: Planning for a Yellowknife Culture of Peace Program: How 'be' YK now, peace-wise? How would we like YK to be? How do we go from here to there? (hosted by Robert Stewart ; brown bag lunch)
> 7 pm to 9 pm: Imago Relationship building – how to build better relationships with your "significant other" (ref. http://gettingtheloveyouwant.com ) (hosted by Robert Stewart)
> 7 pm to 8:30 pm: Meditation class, This month's meditation session hosted by Jamie Bastedo will be held at the Yellowknife Public Library Writer's Room. We will follow the usual format: • Discussion on passage meditation practice; • Inspirational video or reading featuring Eknath Easwaran, founder of the Blue Mountain Center of Meditation; • Half hour of meditation. Newcomers are welcome but are strongly encouraged to explore the Blue Mountain Center's website at www.easwaran.org in advance of this session to get a better understanding of the theory and practice of passage meditation. "This is the central principle of meditation: we become what we meditate on." - EKNATH EASWARAN (1910–1999)
> Tuesday February 1
> noon to 1:30 pm: Video – The Joy of Stress, followed by discussion (hosted by Robert Stewart on the 2nd floor ; brown bag lunch)
> 7 pm to 9 pm: YK Centre for Teaching Peace Implementation Team meeting (all welcome) (hosted by Robert Stewart)
> Wednesday February 2
> noon to 1:30 pm: NWT Community Centres for Teaching Peace – discussion of a vision of a Peace Café and Centre in every Northern community (hosted by Robert Stewart; brown bag lunch)
> 7 pm to 9 pm: School Peace Culture – presentation and discussion on how to advance peace we desire to see in our schools (of particular interest to teachers, school administrators, board members, curriculum developers, parents, and students) (hosted by Anne-Marie Collette, ref. http://www.peace.ca/mctpteam.htm )
> Thursday February 3
> noon to 1:30 pm: Aboriginal Centres for Teaching Peace – discussion of Indigenous ways for building a Culture of Peace, and creating a special Aboriginal Centre in YK (hosted by Robert Stewart and Dean Green of Northern ICE, ref. http://www.peace.ca/northernice.pdf and http://www.peace.ca/indigenous.htm ; brown bag lunch)
> 7 pm to 9 pm: Life Skills Coaching – discussion of a vision of Life Skills Coaches in every community and every family; what is Life Skills Coaching and how it helps (hosted by Anne-Marie Collette)
> Friday February 4
> noon to 1:30 pm: Conflict Transformation – discussion on tools for transforming conflicts at work and home (hosted by Robert Stewart; brown bag lunch)
> Saturday February 5
> noon to 1:30 pm: Music that makes a Difference – discussion of the role of music to uplift us, and a possible Peace Music Festival as a fundraiser for NWT Community Centres for Teaching Peace (hosted by Robert Stewart)
> Sunday February 6
> noon to 1:30 pm: Video that makes a Difference – using video to teach around the North (hosted by Robert Stewart and Jay Bulckaert of Collective9, ref. http://theblacklodge.ca )
> Tuesday February 8
> 7 pm: Community Garden workshop "Seeds of Success: How to select seeds & seed swap" (facilitated by Lone Sorensen at the Peace Café). Description of workshop: Learn to plan out your garden; What not to grow; Seeds of success; Where to buy seeds; Helpful hints; How to test and nurture soil; Seed swap and socializing after the presentation. We'll accept donations to cover costs for rental and photocopying of handouts.
> Thank you in advance for your consideration and thoughts. (Please forward to anyone who you think may be interested in participating.) If you would like to meet with me and Anne-Marie Collette any time during the week, please let me know at stewartr@peace.ca
> Regards,
> Robert Stewart
> Yellowknife Centre for Teaching Peace and Peace Café (to see background information, please refer to http://www.peace.ca/yellowknife.htm )
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